How Code 19 can protect all the letters of the Quran

8 min readFeb 18, 2021



I have read articles from Rashad,,, and others. But a question remains in my head about how this code number 19 can also protect all the letters of the Quran.

Since they don’t share the text of the Quran for download, I tried to verify it myself using Buckwalter data from, then patched it using the following references from

Table. 1 patch from (click to zoom)

I assume all readers already know what Arabic gematria is. But if you don’t know it, you can read it here or here first. In essence, each letter in Arabic has its own value, as can be seen in the table below:

Table. 2 Arabic gematria/Hisab al-Jumal

If we combine the gematrical values above, we will get = 1234567891020304050607080901002003004005006007008009001000
or 19 x 64977257422121265821425310579052789684474000368842579000.

For example, in the Quran, there are several chapters with the initials Alif, Lam, and Mim, and their gematrical values are:
Alif = 1, Lam = 30, Mim = 40, and 1 + 30 + 40 = 71.
And in this article, the gematrical value of each letter will be shortened to GV.

And this is what Rashad did not explain in his articles about how this code number 19 can protect not only initial letters but also all un-initial’s letters in the Quran.
And after I calculated (including Basmalah in every chapter except for chapters 1 and 9), the result was: 3 2 8 1 6 0 letters.
And it is a base 19 number, and its base 10 number is 7744286,
or 19 x 407594.

Let’s check out this result with code number 19 and see how awesome it is. :)


1. Pattern based on Basmalah letters.

Table. 3.1 Code number 19’s pattern based on the Basmalah letters.

Here we can see that the letters that make up this basmalah can also act as a guardian or quick tester, and if the result of its calculation is not a multiple of 19, then there may be a writing or printing error or something else.

2. Pattern based on unique Basmalah letters.

Table 4. Code number 19’s pattern based on unique Basmalah letters.

Again, Basmalah acts as a guardian or quick tester; if the result of its calculation is not a multiple of 19, then there may be a writing or printing error or something else.
It is interesting to note that Basmalah is composed of 19 letters with 10 unique letters, and in mathematics, 19 base 19 = 10.


3. Pattern based on all Initial Letters of the Quran.

Table. 5 Code 19’s pattern based on all Initials Letters of the Quran.

Here we can see that one of the functions of GV is to maintain the value/quality of the total number/quantity of the Quran letters.
Because it could be that in the practice of its writing or calculating, the numbers are the same (328160), but for example, there is one letter that should be written Ta (ت) instead of Tha (ث), which of course will affect the total value of its GV, which, if added up, will certainly not be a multiple of 19, which indicates a writing error or something else.

So, Total Letters Gv = 23463124, Total Letters 328160, Total Initials GV = 3385, and 234631243281603385 = 19 x 12349012804294915.

And it is interesting to note what our French brother found: if the total GV of the unnumbered verses (112 Basmalah) is subtracted from the total GV of the Quran letters, then the result will be a multiple of 19.

23463124 — (112 x 786) = 23375092 = 19 x 1230268.
And its prime factor = 2 x 2 x 13 x 19 x 59 x 401.


4. Pattern based on all initial letters in every chapter of the Quran.

In order to maintain initialed chapters (whether it is an initial letter or not), with this code number 19, at least seven (7) pairs of chapters with the following patterns were found:

Pic 1. Seven pairs to protect the Great Quran.

Each pair of these chapters can be seen in the tables below, and from here we will know the function of the initial letters and their GV.

Table. 6 Pair #1 Protecting A.L.M

As can be seen in the table above, in the Quran, there are six (6) chapters with the initials A.L.M., which are: the 2nd, 3rd, 29th, 30th, 31st, and 32nd chapters.
The sum of the A.L.M. of these six (6) chapters is a multiple of 19. And to make — the sum of other letters than the A.L.M. in these six (6) chapters — a multiple of 19, it must be added by the GV of this A.L.M., which is 71.
And the pattern like this can also be applied to other initialed chapters in the Quran, but in different pairs according to their key letters.


Table. 7 Pair #2 Protecting ALMS, ALR, ALMR, KHY’AS, Q and N


Table. 8 Pair #3 Protecting TH. TSM and TS.

This is one very impressive pattern. To protect the initial letters T.H., T.S.M., and T.S., it takes the letter M in the next four (4) chapters, which incidentally have the initials A.L.M. Because what is calculated in the column “Initials Occurrences” in chapters 29, 30, 31, and 32 is only the letter M, so what is added to protect the other un-initial letters is only the GV of the letter M, which is 40.


Table. 9 Pair #4 Protecting Y.S and S.

The pattern above is the same as the previous pattern, but here, what is calculated in the column “Initials Occurrences” in chapters 19 and 7 is only the letter S, so what is added to protect the other un-initial letters is only the GV of the letter S, which is 90.


Table. 10 Pair #5. Protecting H.M.’A,S,Q

From the table above, it can be seen that chapters with the initials H.M. can form three (3) patterns in which the sum of their initial letters is a multiple of 19.


Table. 11 Pair #6 and #7. These two pairs are special, they don’t need its Gv to protect its letters.

These two pairs of chapters do not need their GV to protect all of the letters in their chapters; in fact, these two pairs help the other chapters to protect their letters.


5. Let’s group all the initial chapters and their total letters, and let’s see the pattern.

Table. 12 Pattern based on the Initial Chapters of the Quran and its total letters.


6. And now let’s group all the initial chapters and their total letters, and let’s see the pattern.

Table 13. Pattern based on Un-initial Chapters of the Quran and its total letters.


7. Let’s group all letters and their GV, and let’s see the pattern.

Table 14. Pattern based on total Quran letters and its distribution.
Table 15. Pattern based on total Quran letters and its distribution.


8. Let’s exclude all the initial letters in its chapters from our calculation and see the pattern.

Table 16. Pattern based on all letters but without all initial letter in its chapter.


9. Conclusion

With many and varied patterns of code number 19 in the Quran, and assisted by advances in science, especially computerization, it will be very easy for us to detect errors in its writing or anything else (e.g., forgery attempts). With the results of this test, we can conclude:

  • The Quran must be written or printed in Uthmani Rasm, like Medina Mushaf, and it is different from the Quran in many non-Arabic-speaking countries, which are mostly written or printed in Imlai or Indopak Rasm.
  • Basmalah in each chapter (except chapters 1 and 9) must be combined with other verses, and its verse number is zero (0), and it must not be written or printed separately from other verses.
  • There are at least twenty-five (25) typographical errors in Medina Mushaf (Table 1).
  • The Quran consists of 114 (19 x 6) chapters, 6346 (19 x 334) verses, and 328160 letters (and it is a base 19 number, and its base 10 number is 7744286 or 19 x 407594) and should be written or printed without 9:128–129.

Are all the patterns in code number 19 above just a coincidence? If you are interested in proving it yourself, you can download the spreadsheet data (v2023–10–29) here: click me.

And to download the text of the Quran (pdf file) that has been mathematically verified by the code number 19, you can download it here: click me.

And to read the tables with their interpretations, you can read them here: click me.

Lastly, this article was written and published on Medium on Friday, February 19, 2021, or 19022021 or 19 x 101159.


[1:1] In the name of God; the Gracious, the Compassionate [34:46] Say, “Indeed I only want to advise you with one thing, after you have stood [before] God in congregation or individually, then think that your friend is not crazy, he is nothing but someone who warns you before the harsh torment comes.” [34:47] Say, “I do not ask you for any wage, you can keep it, my only wage is from God, and He is the witness of all things.” [34:48] Say, “Indeed it is my Lord who has brought forth the truth [not me, and He] knows the future.” [34:49] Say, “The truth has come, and the false will neither appear nor repeat again.” [34:50] Say, “Indeed if I have gone astray [or wrong], then the error [or my fault] is only for myself, but if I am guided, then it is only because of what my Lord has inspired me. Indeed He is listening, near.”



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