This about prophecy in Quran Chapter 44 (Ad-Dukhan)
I seek refuge in God from the rejected Satan.
[44:0] In the name of God; the-Gracious, the-Compassionate.
[44:1] Ha. Meem.
[44:2] By the Enlightening Book.
[44:3] Indeed, We have sent it down on a blessed night, * Indeed, We are ever warning.
*) Chapter = 44, Verse = 3, Gematrical Value (GV) of “on a blessed night (fī laylatin mubārakatin)” = 432, Quran was first revealed in the 9th month (Ramadan) on the 27th night, and 44+3+432+927 = 1406 = 19 x 74.
And the numbers 1406 H and 1974 C.E are the years when, with God’s permission, RK for the first time managed to discover the secret of code 19 in the Quran.
[44:4] In it, every wise matter is made distinct.
[44:5] Matters from Us, and it is We who always send [the Messengers]
*) to explain that matter of wisdom. i.e., code number 19.
[44:6] [As] mercy from your Lord, and He is the-Hearer, the-All-Knowing
*) [17:15] …. We never punish until we have sent a messenger (to give warning)
[44:7] Lord of the heavens and the earth and whatever is in between, if you would be certain.
[44:8] There is no god except Him, who gives life and causes death, [He is] your Lord, Lord of your earlier forefathers.
[44:9] But they still play around in doubt.
*) Still in doubt about the code number 19 in Quran and the consequences it had for 9:128–129, look at the beginning of the opening of this Chapter in verse 44:3
[44:10] Then watch for the day* when the sky will bring a visible smoke.
*) Chapter = 44, Verse = 10, Smoke Prophecy = 1447 H, and 44+10+1447 = 1501 = 19 x 79.
**) Chapter = 44, Verse = 10, GV of “the day (yawma) = 56, Smoke Prophecy = 1447 H, and 4410561447 = 19 x 232134813.
***) ChapterVerse = 4410, sum of Letters = 28, verse GV = 2542, Smoke Prophecy = 1447 H or 2026 C.E, and 4410+28+2542+2026= 9006 = 19 x 474.
****) If you are wondering where the number 1447 came from, you can read about it here
[44:11] That will envelop the people, and that will be a painful torment.
[44:12] “Our Lord, remove from us this torment, [now] we believe.”
[44:13] But how can they [now] remember? Whereas [previously] a clear messenger* had come to them.
*) clear messenger here is RK, Chapter = 44, Verse = 13, GV of “clear messenger (Rasulun mubin)” = 398, RK = 1230, and 4+4+1+3+3+9+8+1+2+3+0 = 38 = 19 x 2. And 44133981230353 = 19 x 2322841117387
[44:14] But instead they turned away from him, saying, “Well educated, but crazy!”
*) Yes, RK has come to you by teaching the code number 19 in the Quran, but you instead mocked him and even killed him, you think that won’t have any consequences? I don’t think so. Smoke Prophecy = 1447 H, and Quran 14:47 reads: “So you should never think that God will break His promise to His Messengers. Indeed, God is mighty, the Owner of Revenge.”
[44:15] [If] We removed the torment a little, of course you would go back [to denying it].
[44:16] [So wait] for the day when We strike with a great strike, We will take revenge!
*) ChapterVerse = 4416; “the day (yawwma)” = 56, Smoke Prophecy = 1447 H = 2026 C.E, then 4416 + 56 + 2026 = 6498 = 19 x 342.
**) ChapterVerse = 4416; Number of letters = 29; verse GV = 1765; and 4416 + 1765 + 29 + 1447 = 7657 = 19 x 403
***) Some say this prophecy is the burning of an oil refinery in Kuwait, the Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor Case, forest fires in Indonesia, or even Jewish Internment Camps in Germany during WW2. But they forget, all this is not a great strike! The most reasonable thing is the fall of an asteroid or the fall of a nuclear bomb…... Fun Fact: RK was killed in U.S; the current Russian — U.S. nuclear treaty will be expired in 2026, … “Where there is a dead body, there the vultures will gather.”, but honestly, I don’t know what exactly it is.
[44:58] We have made this easy in your [own] language, so that they may remember/learn it.
*) [74:56] But they will not remember/learn it if God does not will, He is the Source of Piety, the Source of Forgiveness.
[44:59] So wait, because they are also waiting.
*) Chapter = 44, Verse = 59, Smoke Prophecy = 1447 H = 2026 C.E, and 4+4+5+9+1+4+4+7 = 38 = 19 x 2, and 202644591447 = 19 x 10665504813
#From Another Chapter
[26:5] And no NEW reminder comes to them from the-Gracious, except that they turn away from it.
[26:6] So indeed they have denied it, thus the news will come to them of what they used to ridicule.
*) Chapter = 26, Verse = 6, GV of “thus the news will come to them of what they used to ridicule (fasayatīhim anbāu mā kānū bihi yastahziūna)” = 1331, Smoke Prophecy = 1447 H, and 2+6+6+1+3+3+1+1+4+4+7 = 38 = 19 x 2
[37:174] So turn away from them for some time.
*) Wait 6 years from 1441 H (the year this knowledge was revealed) until the prophecy of the smoke at 44:10 in 1447 H. Chapter = 37, Verse = 174, “for some time (ḥattā ḥīnin)” = 486, and 1447 H — 1441 H = 6 years, and 37+174+486+6 = 703 = 19 x 37
[37:177] When it falls in their courtyard, it will be a very bad dawn for those who have been warned.
*) This has a correlation with the Smoke Prophecy in 44:10. And 441037177 = 19 x 23212483
[37:179] Then later you will see, for they [too] will see.
*) Smoke Prophecy = 1447 H, ChapterVerse = 37179, GV of “they will see (yub’ṣirūna)” = 358, And 144737179358 = 19 x 7617746282
[42:14] And they were not divided except after knowledge came to them [because of] envy/jealousy among themselves, and if it were not for the statement/word of your Lord which had passed [previously] until the predetermined time limit, * of course it has decided [the matter] between them. And indeed, those who inherited the book*** after them were truly in doubt and confusion regarding it.
*) Chapter = 42, Verse = 14, GV of “until the predetermined time limit (ilā ajalin musamman) = 225, Smoke Prophecy = 1447 H, then the torment will be postponed until the end of 1446 H, and 42142251446 = 19 x 2218013234.
**) And from verse 42:14 to 44:10 there are 140 verses (including Basmallah), and these 140 is base 19 number, and its base 10 number is = 437 or 19 x 23.
***) Followers of the Torah, Gospel, and Quran are also doubtful and confused by the code number 19 in the Quran
[22:49] Say: “O people, indeed I am only a clear warner to you.”
[38:65] Say, “I am only a warner [that] there is no other god besides God; the One, the Conqueror.” [38:66] Lord of the heavens and the earth and whatever is in between, the Mighty, the Forgiving.
[38:86] Say, “I do not ask you for any wage for it, nor am I a coercion.”
[46:9] Say, “I am not the first of the messengers, and I do not know what [He] will do to me nor [to] you, I only follow what is revealed to me, and I am only a clear warner.”
[51:50] So flee to God, and I am only a clear warner from Him.
[37:180] [and] Perfection is your Lord, the honorable Lord of what they used to describe [about Him]
[37:181] and Peace be upon the messengers,
[37:182] and all praise belongs to God, Lord of the Worlds.